Because our software is all about the visuals, it’s easy to check out our videos or request a demo to get a first-person perspective of our 3D virtual in action. But sometimes it’s great to be able to get some face-to-face time in order to take a deep dive into what we’re working on and where our ShopperMX virtual retail software is headed. That’s why we were thrilled to host our first ever road show in Bentonville, AR this month!
Thanksso much to those of you who were able to attend, we hope you’re now as excitedabout virtual retail solutions as we are! If you couldn’t make it, here’s aquick summary of what you missed…
How we’re building the future
During the user training and demo portion, wegave a sneak peak of new software features we will be rolling out in the nextyear. We also shared case studies, and did a deep dive on ShopperMXpresentation capabilities – giving context to the importance of visuals duringbuy-in.
In development are intuitive applications for creating a detailed and comprehensive retail environment layout for better visualization and editing. For better collaboration, we’re integrating 3rd-party data sources to complete the end-to-end ShopperMX experience. And users will gain access to a full suite of visually-rich insights and reporting capabilities enabling faster and more valuable decision making.
Partnerships, collaborations, and where we’reheaded next
Wehave established awesome collaborations and partnerships with some of today’sleading retailers and solutions providers, and we got to talk about what thatmeans for the next generation of retail technologies.
Through our JDA integration, our goal is to provide clients with a dynamic, continuous store planning process with real-time iterations and updates. Our partnership with Accenture gives us access to their extensive industry knowledge and consulting aptitude, which will enable us to better understand our clients most pertinent issues and provide additional insights on the best solutions to meet their needs. And, by combining Symphony Retail AI’s Assortment Optimization and our own rapid indicator test data, we are working on the creation of a revolutionary new agile approach to merchandising.
Wealso got to go into more detail about our work with Walmart. Through thiscollaboration, manufacturers can better streamline the process of rolling outnew in-store concepts. We have a proven testing methodology with Walmart, andby leveraging this partnership, brands can elevate their strategic partnershipwhile reducing testing costs and timing.
Road show attendees got to see some sneak peeks of our mobile app, what we’re doing with apparel, and how augmented reality is playing a huge role in the buy-in process. We love showing off all of the ways in which we’re bringing our technology forward. Contact us to learn more or to plan your own road show!