Acceptable Use Policy
By accessing ShopperMX™, you are agreeing to the below Acceptable Use Policy on behalf of yourself and the company that you represent:
You are entering ShopperMX™, which is a proprietary software and database tool owned and maintained by InContext Solutions, Inc., which is and contains proprietary and trade secret information and material that is owned by and proprietary to InContext.
You have permission to access ShopperMX™ solely as a result of an existing agreement between InContext and the “Company”, which is your employer or the company on whose behalf you are accessing ShopperMX . You may only use ShopperMX™ as permitted by the Company and your use of ShopperMX™ is limited to lawful use for the purpose of fulfilling your obligations to the Company. You may not use ShopperMX™ for your personal benefit or for the benefit of any third party. Any information or materials that you upload to ShopperMX™ requires authorization from the Company. You may not upload any information or materials absent this authorization. You are responsible for the accuracy and integrity of the information and material that you upload or otherwise use in connection with ShopperMX™. InContext may monitor use of ShopperMX™ and may remove any material or information that violates this Acceptable Use Policy or the Subscription Terms and Conditions, but has no obligation to do so. InContext has the right to extract, compile, synthesize, and analyze data resulting from use of ShopperMX™ and use such data on an aggregated and deidentified basis.
ShopperMX™ is provided AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS. Material and information transmitted through the Internet cannot be expected to remain confidential, and InContext does not guarantee the privacy, security, authenticity, or integrity of any information or material submitted through the Internet. InContext is not responsible for any consequences of your connection to or use of the Internet.
You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that your password and login information remain confidential. You are responsible for all use and misuse of your password and login information and must immediately notify the Company of any unauthorized access to ShopperMX™.
Use of ShopperMX™ is also subject to the ShopperMX™ Privacy Policy. By accessing ShopperMX™ you are agreeing to the Privacy Policy, including InContext’s collection and sharing of information with the Company
ShopperMX™ is expressly Confidential Information of InContext and subject to the confidentiality obligations of you and the Company. You may not copy, modify, publish, disseminate, distribute, transmit, or otherwise disclose ShopperMX™ or information from ShopperMX™ to any third parties. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, translate, mirror, or disassemble ShopperMX™ or use the ShopperMX™ on a time-sharing or service bureau basis. You may not submit information or material, or otherwise use ShopperMX™ in a way, that is defamatory, obscene, abusive, illegal, violates a third party’s privacy or intellectual property rights, contains a virus or malicious code or is otherwise objectionable.
ShopperMX™ is protected by both federal and state laws, including without limitation Title 17 of the United States Code. InContext reserves the right to pursue any violation of its intellectual property or other rights to the fullest extent allowed by law. In addition, InContext may terminate or suspend your access and Company’s access to ShopperMX™ in the event of any actual or reasonably suspected violation of this Acceptable Use Policy or the Subscription Terms and Conditions as described in the Terms and Conditions.
For any support or technical questions, you may access the ShopperMX™ online help files or you may contact your internal ShopperMX™ Administrator.